Barton Family Practice News – April 2025
Barton Family Practice News – April 2025
Dr Okoye officially retires on the 5th April and we all thank him for his hard work and dedication to the community as a GP Partner at the Practice. He indeed will be missed by the staff and patients and we wish him all the best in his retirement.
We will keep you updated in relation to any further staff changes.
Please continue to look after your GP surgery – I read a recent article in the British Medical Association journal recently stating the number of patients registered with GP Practices in England is 63.72 million, an increase of 6.82 million in the last 10 years. This equates to each GP having an extra 322 patients each. This increased workload impacts on all of the staff and all that we ask of you is to be kind and considered and assure you that we are all ‘trying to do our best’.
Date for your diary – WORLD PARKINSON’S DAY 11/4/2025
As many of you may know, Parkinson’s Disease if very close to my heart. In my Queen’s Nurse capacity and with the help of the Surgery staff we will be holding an event. We do hope you can ‘pop in’ for refreshments and a ‘chat’. The Surgery staff are planning what they are going to bake already! Please support your local surgery/community by attending this event.

Thank you for your ongoing support, with Kind regards
Rose Bain Queen’s Nurse.
On behalf of Barton Family Practice.